A few important notes:
1. GachaLand closes in just a few days on April 30th.
2. Oubliette & Petite Mort are having a 50% off sale and mini-hunt through May 4th. Pick up the notecard with all of the information at the Witchwood landing point.
And now on to the nitty gritty details...
Hair: Queenie by Wasabi
Necklace: Cosmic Constelations by Olive
Shirt: Moon Neo Witch Cami by Oubliette @ April 2019 GachaLand
Shorts: Patch Neo Witch Shorts by Oubliette @ April 2019 GachaLand
Fishnets: Fishnet Tights Applier v1 by Nena
Shoes: Doodle Chucks by Oubliette (group gift)
Bracelet: Free Pride Bracelet by Lapointe & Bastchilde
Upper Body Tattoo: Mew by Juna (Exclusive for Dubai Event April 20th - May 10th)
Leg Tattoo: Koy by Juna
Floating Candles: Something Wiccan by Why Not? @ April 2019 GachaLand
Magical Aura: Curse - RARE by Dreaming Thicket (December 2018 Imaginarium)
Pose: LordCrow 7 by Axix
Floor Pillows: Velvet Floor Pillow Set by Oubliette
Hat: Little Witch - Hat - Cat Black by Birdy (October 2018 Arcade)
All Other Decor: Something Wiccan by Why Not? @ April 2019 GachaLand
Skybox:Hookah Hangout by The Sea Hole (very old hunt item)
Body: Maitreya Lara
Head: Catwa
** Taxi to GachaLand **
GachaLand is a Gimme Gacha production.